Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Seventeen Days

I'm getting married in seventeen days.

Did you read that, I'm getting MARRIED in SEVENTEEN days!

Oh my goodness.

So you may have seen the ring or the cake in the fancy little picture at the top of the blog (nope, not my actual cake or actual ring, but anyways). Well this year I've been planning a wedding, a marriage, and also many other things.

Let's break it down. When I started the blog I figured I was in a growing relationship, I was moving further away from home, starting an internship, taking out a student loan, and growing up, right?

NOW: Now I'm finishing my internship (getting all things completed 21 days early actually), getting my resume reviewed to send in to jobs, hunting for jobs, preparing to be the activities manager out at a summer camp in Colorado this summer... then planning a wedding, write thank you notes, figuring out finances for the new us, figuring out when I need to renew my driver's license, apply for my marriage license, change my name on my license, change my state residency, get a new drivers license after changing states, change the name on my social security card, join checking accounts, find a place to live, change my name on my insurance (which I got, yay!), apply for provisional license to practice dietetics before my RD exam
...oh and also apply to sit for the Registered Dietitian exam.


But I cannot tell you how excited I am to marry this man. He honestly is absolutely incredible. I don't deserve him, but by the grace of God He gives us more than we deserve. Our wedding is in 17 days and I could not be happier... only I have a lot to do before then, lol.

PS - pictures to come, and also I'm going to try to convince him to start us a family blog, he's funny, and he'd be funny to read too.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Growing Up

Oh you would be so proud of the way I'm growing up. Or well, how life is growing me up.

It's funny how the world around us changes, and honestly we seem to stay the same. Growing older may only be us changing because of a response to our surroundings. Example: My older brother (by only one year, mind you) is turning 24 years old tomorrow. I asked him when did we even grow up... then I realized in 31 days I'll be a Mrs.

I guess we grew up.

Refreshingly enough though, I'm wrong and right about us staying the same. Yep, I'm still the little girl who runs around in the back yard in the rain, smiles constantly, and would love nothing more than to fill her hair with wildflowers and create something. But fortunatley I know how to read now, I can drive, I can cook for myself... but better than that I've learned a little more about how to live and how to love.

Really still learning about how to love well. It's a constant learning that I really think will not be complete until I meet my Savior in heaven and can finally love and praise Him unconditionally. Oh I cannot wait for the day.


...but in case anyone is counting the growing. I have a wedding dress ready to wear, 216 people have told me their coming to our wedding, I'm managing activities for tons of families this summer, and daily at the hospital I make decisions that may help or hurt a patient... planning is to always help. I've attended a marriage conference, read tons of books on being a grown up...

...but honestly I don't think that one day it hits you: being grown up. But more like every day there are little thing that reachin and whisper or run out and scream "today you're more 'grown up' than yesterday" :)

We'll see.